From time to time we get asked by sellers who sell digital / downloadable products on the site about having those items automatically download when someone places an order
When a customer buys a digital product on the site, it won’t automatically download; you’ll need to email them or send them a Dropbox or WeTransfer link. As soon as their order is placed you’ll get a mail with all their details including their email, and you can be in touch with them and get them their purchase right away.
But why? This makes no sense.
It does make a bit of sense… programmatically, this is a big feature to implement. We’re a small company and have to be very selective about the order of what features and improvements we implement first. Because Hello Pretty’s core focus is on physical products, we haven’t built this yet and have quite a few other additions and improvements we’re working on to make the user experience for you and for the buyers much nicer.
What about shipping settings for my digital products?
Obviously there’s no cost to sending a digital product and you won’t want to charge your customer for shipping. We explain what to do at this link.